Hotwife Planet...

What is a Hotwife? What is a Queen of Spades? What is a Vixen? What is a Snowbunny? What is a Stag? What is a Cuckold? What is a Bull? What is all this about? What is wrong with these people? Why would a wife want to cheat? Why would a husband want to watch his wife cheat?
The First question as a man that you may ask yourself is "What's wrong with me?". The answer is... NOTHING. The first question that a woman may ask themselves is "What am I doing wrong that he would rather have someone else have sex with me, instead of doing it himself?". The answer is...NOTHING. As you can imagine there is a lot of self reflection in a situation like this. So many questions as to what either person did wrong. What the truth of the matter is, is that these husbands really love seeing their wives have pleasure. Also they may or may not have a smaller sized penis, so wanting their wives to have a bigger man please them would be the next best thing. As far as wives go, most of them really, really enjoy, and most times get off on, watching how excited their man gets with what she is doing for him. Respect is key however. Forcing a woman into this can just create a monster in a relationship, and a woman just sleeping with other men because she isn't into her husband due to his size or any other reason is just cheating. Being open and completely honest is the best thing that anyone can do. It may sound horrible to tell a man that you don't like the size of his penis, but trust me there is nothing better to tell him than the truth. Interestingly enough, for the vast majority of women in these situations, if she thinks that he is too small, he most likely does as well. There is also a very empowering feeling that both parties will feel, but in different ways. Men will feel empowered because there is no more hoping and praying that your big enough or if you are good enough in bed. It will be out there in the open and you can feel the weight lifted off your shoulders. Also with very few exceptions you can beat jealousy completely. Nothing is better than being able to say that jealousy doesn't run your life, this is especially true with the small penis thoughts that were discussed above. Women will feel empowered because they can have multiple people vying for their attention at the same time and doing everything they can to make sure that they feel loved and cared for and that they get the utmost pleasure in life. Also if the man is willing to have some domination/humiliation, that will just ramp up the empowerment to a whole new level.
Am i Big enough?
Am i Good enough?
This all depends on what the beautiful woman in your life thinks. There is no reason to go off half cocked (excuse the pun) wondering if what you have is all of what she needs. What you should be doing is starting a meaningful conversation with that woman, and telling her your feelings and let her know its completely ok if she feels the same, and even if right off the bat she isn't down for just becoming a hotwife, there are still toys that will fulfill her pleasures that you can be sure will put your satisfaction through the roof just watching it happen. The honesty and open conversations are what will further your relationship. Even if your manhood isn't that small, and even if she was ok with it at first, if you are reading this and you have asked yourself these questions, its time for that conversation. Everyone understands that these are hard, weird, uncomfortable conversations to have, but trust that they aren't nearly as uncomfortable as catching someone cheating, or having some vile words spewed out in an intense argument, or having the age old "are you in yet?" question happen right when you thought you were showing her what a real man can do to her. Have the conversation together, be honest together, come up with ways to make it better together, have fun together. You will thank each other in the end.
What am I?
That's a great question. There are plenty of answers, and the answer may evolve and change over time. The short answer that applies to every husband in this situation is...You are a Husband who loves his wife. What type of role you play in your hotwife's sex life is the longer and tougher question. None of the roles you will play are bad in anyway (you do want her to do this after all). You could be the submissive husband that wants his wife to tell him what to do in all aspects of sex, including helping her get ready for dates, setting up dates for her, have sex with her when if and when she wants you to, be forced to watch her have sex with other men, and many other things, but there would be little to no humiliation involved. You could be the Stag that just wants his wife to have pleasure, you don't need to be around while she plays and you aren't into being forced into anything and you don't want to be humiliated, this type usually doesn't have the small penis problem that was mentioned earlier, they just have compersion, which is just the feeling of happiness when other people are feeling pleasure or are happy. Then you could be a Cuckold, this type definitely is the most extreme however it may be the most fun of all, there's a lot of interaction and a lot of involvement in all aspects of your wife's sex life. There are also times where your involvement doesn't stop when the sex is over. You could be caged for periods of time, which only will keep your mind on the sexual aspect in a seemingly never-ending cycle (think having sex for days straight without orgasm) because sex is constantly at the forefront of your mind there's not really much you wouldn't do to make your wife happy. Every word and every thought will seemingly be about sex, and if you are a very lucky cuckold, your wife will make you watch and join in her sexual escapades while she tells you that the man she's allowing to have sex with her is so much better than you and so much bigger than you. A lot of couples that are into this type of hotwifing, prefer the company of black men, and as the saying goes "once you go black, you never go back", that's why once a hotwife sleeps with a black man, both her and her husband will beg for only black men to play with from that point forward. So what are you, you ask? You are a man who loves his wife, and who wants her pleasure to be one of the most important things in your life. What you are NOT, is a freak, an idiot, a loser, or any other thing that someone would want to call you if they aren't in your shoes. Even in some of the most extreme cuckold situations the wife doesn't actually think that her husband is loser in the outside of the bedroom world. She would divorce him if he was. So just know that you are not alone, and there are so many men that think the way that you do but they either don't want the world to know, or they are too afraid to start the conversation with their wives.